Did you know

Did you know that elephants can not jump

Did you know Paljram weighed in gold and diamond karats.

Did you know the number of rivers of poetry is: Sixteen sea.

Did you know more widespread in the world drink Coca-Cola.

Did you know the founder of the Muslim world Khwarizmi reparation.

Did you know the founder of sociology Ibn Khaldun, the Muslim world.

Did you know scientists at the Sultan Sunni brothers Abdel Salam al-Ezz.

Did you know the game of golf ball-containing nucleus filled with castor oil.

Did you know a name Emerald Topaz and a second is that gold is gold dust.

Did you know the Arabs were firing on the old gold but in the name of yellow.

Did you know Qarun known in ancient history as to prevent dust to gold.

Did you know the oldest Egyptian Gazette newspaper has been issued in 1828.

Did you know the biggest piece of gold in the world in Japan in the form of aircraft.

Did you know an Irish fishing boat from a nuclear submarine hunting and weighing 39 tons.

Did you know in the city of Istanbul, 450 each mosque muezzin calling for prayer.

Did you know add sugar to help strengthen the cement as excellent in construction.

Did you know the first woman shown Balcrdo emigrated wife is Ms. Abraham, peace be upon him.

Did you know the habits of the people of the Tibetan plateau in China tongues D expression of welcome guest.

Did you know a coconut needs to be a full year to maturity

Did you know an Italian woman gave birth to 52 children, including twins 14 bilateral and trilateral and quadrilateral before reaching the age of forty

Did you know that trees which built the pyramid of Cheops enough to build three-meter-high fence surrounding France.

Did you know the name of religion Shinto is a Japanese name means: The Road to the gods.

Did you know the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle was the teacher of Alexander the largest private Macedonian.

Did you know Almzhbat postings are ancient poems or poetry was written in the ignorant and water gold.

Did you know the founder of the Muslim world chemistry Jaber bin Hayan learned from Imam Sadiq for God's peace.

Did you know the longest table made in Spain in 1986. The total length of 2400 meters and took around 60 thousand people.

Did you know Shanab, the world's longest length of 259 cm for men from the town of Al Honduras, India, a length of 150 cm only.

Did you know that the longest period spent in the case of a person arrested for the intestines, "constipation" It was 102 days

Did you know that the American tiger trout catch of fish Fraish Bkivp a Albrtn

Did you know that silk worms are not worms but caterpillars

Did you know that there is a kind of pot, but not ice evaporates, that dry ice

Did you know that obese children of school age eat less than their peers Alnahilin

Did you know that eating the bark of pomegranate help in the eradication of the worm and to stop diarrhea film

Did you know that the taste of the bed legs are in the background

Did you know that bird feather is the most powerful installation when compared with a weight and measurement

Did you know that the rotary (vane) is in the opposite direction of the wind

Did you know that man on the moon is serious, of the southern hemisphere upside down

Did you know that just heard voices through the waves of sound vibrations to take herself

Did you know that it is possible to mix oil with water easily if something was added to the mix of soap

Did you know that the world's population growing at one million and a half each week

Did you know the top chair in the world, the U.S. state of Alabama was made in 1981 to rise 10 p.m. and 8 cm wide 5 p.m. and 96 cm.

Did you know more men without signatures is Kengman signed his name on the 120-thousand copies of his cartoons in 12 days in May 1980.

Did you know the smallest book in the world was measured 1,4 × 1,4 mm tells the story of ant (Ari) to the deployment of 200 copies in Japan in 1980.

Did you know in Klombea law gives the husband deceived the right to kill his wife if immediately seized red-handed committing adultery with another person.

Did you know iron nails are not applicable in the stabilization of oak wood, because of the chemical in the wood, causing rust nails.

The divers, who breathe oxygen exchange half an hour before diving are capable of keeping breath under water for 13 minutes

Did you know that the iron nails are not applicable in the stabilization of oak wood, because of the chemical in the wood, causing rust nails

Did you know that mangrove tree, a tropical tree, is one of the few species that can grow in salt water

Did you know that surgery will be vaccinated living tissue surgically from other regions of the same body, or of the body like a second twin Rights, which conducted an operation

Did you know that the word "why" in English is not only a question but the name of the type of cow

Did you know that the first of April (April) In our April Fool, called on Britain on deception, and in France on fish, and in Japan on the doll in Spain allegedly Buster Day

Did you know that insects movement of the human being at least thirty different disease

Did you know that the tongue is different, such as fingerprints from person to person

Did you know that there are species of orchid (plant) shoots it contains all the seeds sprout, including small, numbering about 70000000 small seed

Did you know that the pressure of water within each cell in the bulb sufficient for the operation of steam engine

Did you know that animal rights is the only sleep on his back

Did you know that more than half the world's production of silver is a chemical used in the manufacture of photographic films and mirrors

Did you know that plant glutinous plant is intrusive intrude on the trees, feeds, and when completed the development of tree killed by recharging them

Did you know that fish glue used in the manufacture of glue in making Gelable is also used to give alcohol to a net color is extracted from sturgeon

Did you know that tree is the pine trees more plants in the world. The proportion of the total tree species other 19%

Did you know most valuable stamps in the world price primarily enacted one issued in British Guyana in 1873 and sold on 5 April 1980 year, 850 thousand dollars.

Did you know a man named Polly Italian Giuliano, 32-year record in the peeling garlic in about 6 Husked minutes kilograms full of garlic.

Did you know the cost of marriage in Japan is estimated at 32 thousand dollars to groom and be spared the expenses of 14 thousand dollars on marriage and the bride and processing the amount of $ 18 thousand dollars expense particular.

Did you know Fatter couple in the world and together weigh 782 kg and the total length of a husband and three feet 6 inches and a half inches and a length of 10 feet wife and ten inches.

Did you know The Barber of the fastest in the world is Japanese Asiuchuya was able to fly chin 223 people within one hour note that all the volunteers did not fly Zqounam for four days.

Did you know the largest number of medals won by Alaolmiba Russian gymnastics champion for the Areyesa Atinetta In the Olympic Games in which the three years between 1956 and 1964 to Atinetta claimed 18 medals.

Did you know over the number of pages published in the newspaper world is the number of the Sunday New York Times, which was issued in 1965 to $ 946 the number of pages or page version has a weight of the Grameen kilo and a half ago.

Did you know one of the girls died because of disease-stricken Americans in its entirety and not exceeding the age of eight years, asked her family to be frozen in the hope Brad rescue When a medicine is still in the future since January of 1972 in a frozen refrigerators Los Angeles.

Did you know the youngest legal age for marriage is 12 years for girls and 14 for boys in the following countries: Canada, Chile, Spain, Ireland, Peru, Uruguay and 14 years for girls and 14 for boys in Hungary and 14 for girls and 16 for boys in Argentina, Italy, Mexico and 15 years for girls and 15 Overview of the boy in Morocco.

Did you know precious metals radium in the world.

Did you know speaks rights when it used 44 muscle

Did you know when the anger and used 23 muscle

Did you know when to smile and be used only Edlten

Did you know during sleep and relax muscle 357

Did you know the largest civilian maritime fleet is in Japan.

Did you know the first Arab country is known printing Lebanon

Did you know lasers are stronger than the sun four times.

Do you Maltese language is the most affected in Arabic language

Did you know the French campaign to Mexico five years

Did you know you know that the ancient Egyptian columns called Obelisk

Arabs are the first known spices and the dealer

Did you know that killed a quarter of the world's population is Abel

Did you know the word array indicate the numbers of years and over

Did you know the Arab world has 90% of the world's palm

Did you know the first dictionary of English, Dr. Samuel Johnson.

Did you know the first Muslim king drew his paintings in his life is Abbas Shah.

Did you know the first transfer of the olive tree "to the Arab Maghreb are Phoenicians.

Did you know the oldest palace in the world, in Yemen, the Palace Ghamdan and covers an area of 100 m

Did you know you know it was the homing pigeon in the mail a special department in the Covenant Abbasid

Did you know you know that Karun known in ancient history as to prevent dust into gold

Did you know John Türmen himself nominated 41 times in various elections and lost all of which

Did you know psychological study found that women talk about men three times more than men from the women spoke!

Did you know the English Toby Greaves involve the record in March 1990 when his choice to throw a distance of 40 meters

Did you know the number 13 was a happy and bring luck in Italy, many festooned with girls Btlassm highlights the figure for protection from evil and expulsion

Did you know the Cave of the oldest civilizations in the world in France and Dordoeh province, dating to the era prior to the date and called Lasko

Did you know the film (bright) to Charlie Chaplin in 1952 won the Oscar for best music video after 21 in the first on the subject

Did you know the study found that Americans Dibble in the neighborhood on Wednesday, less growth on Tuesday, the study found no practical justification for this phenomenon!

Did you know a university study found that the joy associated with stupidity, stupid people laugh more intelligent human beings, and laughed more human intelligence Say!

Did you know Mrs. (Clare Wigan Bkman) of the mandate of America bought New Jersey waived table used by their owners at $ 25 .. And subsequently sold topped 541 thousand dollars.


Did you know statistical study has shown extensively in one of the most Western greed eating are the most experience in giving Albkhchic to Jursnat restaurants!

Did you know the world's oldest carpet made of wool and hair in red and white discovered in 1947 and dates back to the fifth century BC and are currently in the city (the Leningrad).

Did you know University study demonstrated that the answers Kolchit students in the examinations will be improved if they were allowed to answer questions on these examinations are in a lie on the ground and the study found that a lie with the lifting of foot slightly helped students to solve math questions at speeds of more than 7% of the speed The regular rate of accuracy and validity of more than 14% of the normal rate!

Did you know most types of camel milk and milk quite rich because of the increase can not be addressed because it is freezing cold and become too heavy for addressing all Faihrs fresh or heated first.

Did you know the shortest message written in history Victor Hugo in 1862 wrote to the Director of the deployment of ..... Wanted to know the number of books sold from his wretched paper was located in the middle of a question mark? Then sent him Suddenly respond to the same paper an exclamation point!

Did you know veterans who write letters password milk does not appear to have an impact if it give up the hot ashes from the ashes of burned paper
Writing about the case emerged. The Leader's governors and the head of the man and then fly write head tattooed on his skin and in the Ihfezouna secretary to grow his hair and then sending to where they want.

Did you know in West Java was imperative that those who want marriage to the guilt of 250 mouse and so people are able to eliminate the rats, which had long ruled bed and read to inspire, and destroyed many of the Mahsolathm
The River Nile springs from Uganda.

Did you know the biggest continent is a continent of Asia.

Did you know? Months, Arab traveler Ibn Battuta.

Did you know word Thailand means the land free.

Did you know Kuwait is an area of 18,000 km.

Did you know Spanish word means land rabbits.

Did you know the discoverer of astronomy is Galileo.
Did you know Amazon River flows from the Andes

Did you know built the Sphinx in the 26 century BC. M.

Did you know the guilt of Halley Each year about 76 meters.

Did you know the sun is the closest star to Earth.

Did you know Christopher Columbus discovered America

Did you know Laketa Victoria and fresh waters of Galilee.

Did you know the population of the ground Itdhaafon every 250 years.

Did you know Nigerian city of Ibadan and the Iranian port of Abadan.

Did you know Iraq has more than 36 million Palm.

Did you know the French city of Lyon months of the iron industry.

Did you know the size of the sun from 27 million the size of the moon.

Did you know there are 18 cities in the world named Cairo.

Did you know Alheidrgen least is the gas density in the world.

Did you know the world is experiencing a devastating earthquake about 20 each year.

Did you know the discoverer of the law of gravity Alordipishak Newton.

Did you know 26 countries in the world do not have Coatia of their country.

Did you know the richest country in the production of uranium metal is Canada.

Did you know African country's largest producer of iron ore is Liberia.

Did you know the discoverer of the laws of planetary motion is Johannes Kepler.

Did you know the deepest place in the Pacific of $ 9400 meters.

Did you know the high Gibraltar 425 square meters and 7 meters square.

Did you know Detroit the largest city in America for the automobile industry.

Did you know the clouds moving in the night sky more slowly than the day.

Did you know the pharaohs in Egypt was the week of 10 days.

Did you know the largest concentration of volcanoes in the world in Indonesia.

Did you know the language Amharic language of Ethiopia and is composed of 267 characters

Did you know the largest peninsula in the world is the Arabian Peninsula.

Did you know the number of pyramids in Mexico more than in Egypt.

Did you know women speak the language differs from the language of men on the island of Dominica.

Did you know the mountains on the seabed of the highest mountains on earth.

Did you know the number of languages in the world in 4324, including 160 language of the language in Europe.

Did you know gravity on the moon equal to one sixth gravity on Earth.

Did you know the number of the 33 island of Bahrain and an area of 598 square kilometers.

Did you know Sea Gazz Win a lake named because the sea water salty.

Did you know highest peak Everest in the Himalayas in 8840

Did you know the moon is the second planet Earth, which was still burning Brkinh.

Did you know Alhambra Palace called by that name because the walls and walls of the color red.

Did you know the Red Sea, named for the large red coral red in it.

Did you know the world's largest lake, Lake Gazz Wayne area 440 square kilometers.

Did you know the Empire State Building was built in 1929 in New York and 448 m high.

Did you know volcano in the world's largest volcano Kilimanjaro in Tanzania to rise in 5895.

Did you know the Caribbean so named because it is one arm in the Atlantic

Did you know the longest mountain range in the world the Andes about 9321 km

Did you know you know that it is not an atmosphere of the moon and mountains, covering most of its surface .


Did you know that the Chinese emperor built the Great Wall of China is: Hwang T

Did you know the deepest oil well in America, there is more than two miles deep under the ground.

Did you know one sixth of the total land surface is in the Soviet Union

Did you know Saragaso Sea beaches and not for it within the Atlantic Sea.

Did you know the moon in orbit around the Earth Diverges on the planet by 5 .2 cm per year

Did you know astronomers estimate the number of comets orbiting the sun b Shihab 100000000

Did you know Rainbow does not appear to be only the angle between the sun and a horizon less than 40.

Did you know the process of extraction requires tons of coal pumping tens of tons of water in the mine.

Did you know Brazil is the only Portuguese-speaking countries of Latin America all.

Did you know the largest desert in the world with 8 million square km and is sub-Saharan

Did you know the longest suspension bridge in the world, England, and a length of 1410 meters above the River Humber.

Did you know Charles Lundin (1859) was the first to walk across Niagara Falls on a tightrope.

Did you know the collapse of a dam of Marib, Yemen Aerm not as described by the Koran was in 120 BC.

Did you know the largest planets of Jupiter, where it was the largest of the land once the smallest 318 Mercury.

Did you know the Great Wall built in 228 BC. 1500 m long, 6 miles taller and 10 p.m. Do you know 4 meters wide.

Did you know the equator is not a place or a specific region or territory is a virtual non-detectable at all.

Did you know the temperature of the highest in the world is Aziz is in Libya to (126.4) Fahrenheit (58) degrees Celsius.

Did you know the number of sheep which are in New Zealand about 70 million while the population does not exceed 4 million.

Did you know Bardi River that passes through the city of Damascus is about 70 km long and empties into a lake Otaiba east of Damascus.

Did you know the longest river in the world is the Nile River 6,695 miles long and the Amazon River (South America) length of 2437 km.

Did you know the oldest building in England lighthouse is located in the port of Dover and set up by the Romans 2,000 years ago.

Did you know the capital of Alaska is small Juno city, while the majority of the state's population lives in the city Ankorig.

Did you know the center of gravity of the planet is located in Mecca and the Kaaba in particular has shown that several scientific research.

Did you know Balmit called the Dead Sea salts to the large and the lack of oxygen in the water, making the life of the organisms non-existent.

Did you know Albania small European country which lies on the eastern shore of the Balkans and more than 65% of the population to Islam.

Did you know the name of Iraq in the Arabic language, Iraq, a beach because the water and soil of Iraq is on the Tigris and Euphrates therefore called as well.

Did you know through the return of space shuttle penetrated the Earth's atmosphere, heat up the structure of external contact by air to 1260 degrees Celsius.

Did you know when the sun rises over the North Pole of the planet Uranus, continue the light of day for 42 years .. When absent, replaced the dark throughout the 42-year-old again

Did you know there on the surface of the planet Mercury frozen lakes, although the opposite side of the sun's temperature up to 427 degrees Celsius, that is enough to melt metal bullets.

Did you know outweigh the globe in 5974 and zero tons Iminha 18. Increasing weight of 10 tons per day by cosmic dust falling from outer space

Did you know the highlights of Jupiter giant red spot supply of 25 thousand and 800 miles .. It is a huge hurricane that ravaged the region of the planet for more than seven hundred years.

Did you know Iihijaki Japanese island came in 1971 for a giant tidal wave, rising 278 carried forward with a mass of coral reefs, weighing 850 tons at a distance of 3 .1 miles inland.

Did you know the buyer, giant planets, solar diameter of 88 thousand and 700 miles. . If we assume that hostility is quickly 6 miles per hour, it would require five years to complete the cycle around.

Did you know the languages spoken among the peoples of the world less than 2796 most famous language 48 languages in Europe, 153 in Asia, 118 in Africa, 424 in the Americas, 117 in the oceans.

Did you know Christopher Columbus remains the last days and believed that the country was discovered by India's new continent and not returned after finding great to Spain with gold, cotton and strange animals.

Did you know that the highest temperature recorded in the shade in Libya and was 57.5 degrees Celsius in 1983 or less the temperature was 83 degrees below zero in 1960 Vastock station in the Arctic.

Did you know Australian man was able to forty-ninth session to interrupt the continent of Australia ran in a 48-day cut short a distance of 2896 kilometers. He was carrying a bottle of water from the Pacific and Atlantic spilled when connected.

Did you know Ben Lion Euphrates is the light Sicily.

Did you know Alexander the Great died in Babylon.

Did you know the last Khalifa of Islam is the Sultan Majid.

Did you know the oldest written languages in the world is the Sumerian language.

Did you know the U.S. Navy was founded in November 10, 1775.

Did you know the first judge of the companions of the prophet in Islam, Omar bin al-Khattab.

Did you know archaeologists opened the tomb of Tutankhamen in November 26, 1992.

Did you know the name Azhar mosque Smibama proportion of woman Fatima al-Zahra.

Did you know the longest wars in human history Hundred Years War between France and England.

Did you know Queen Zenobia Arab capturing the Romans remained in Rome, where even died.

Did you know Amr ibn al-Aas founded the city of Fustat (Cairo) after the opening of Alexandria.

Did you know Khalid ibn al-Walid fought a battle in the Arabian Gulf and Kuwait in particular.

Did you know Canaanite alphabet characters are Mchterao That was about four thousand years.

Did you know the death of Ibrahim, peace be upon him 1820 BC. M. And the death of Ismail s 1773 peace be upon him. M.

Did you know born Abu Bakr may Allah be pleased with him after the Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him two years and a half years.

Did you know a second mosque on the ground is the Al-Aqsa Mosque as the first is the Grand Mosque was 40 years between them.

Did you know the Al-Aqsa Mosque built in 74 for Migration, which was built in its present is the Umayyad-Malik bin Marwan.

Did you know the official language in Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and some parts of Congo and Malawi are Swahili and Latin letters to write.

Did you know Mandarin language spoken by the largest number of the world's population speaks with some 594 million live in the northern region of China.


Did you know destroy the bride Sahara flourished under Mketha Zenobia and the opening of the Arab commander Khaled bin Walid.

Did you know born Movement (Non-Aligned) in Indonesia (Bandung) in the year 1955 and the leaders of this conference are: Gamal Abdel Nasser and Jawaharlal Nehru and Josefa Brozatito.

Did you know the start of work on the Al-Azhar mosque on Saturday in the first year Jamadal 359 e and continued for two years and held the first prayer at the University of the holy month of Ramadan in 361 e

Did you know the Chinese attacked the country's Samarkand in 751 m and repelled them and captured Muslim soldiers from the most senior men Vtalmwa paper makers, paper industry and indeed veil wearing spread in the Arab world industry has moved to Europe through the Arab Andalusia.

Did you know the oldest dynasty in the world are in Japan and the ruling arrangement is the current king, "Akihito," the 25 dynasty.

Did you know the oldest machine in the world still operates today is the mill (Dalu) that take place on the water and return to the Sumerian civilization to 3500 BC.
Did you know Jamal did not forget the need of.

Did you know the most powerful memory of animals (camel).

Did you know parrot lived about 140 years.

Did you know .. elephant die if they enter an ant in his ear.

Did you know the elephant eats 50 kilograms of hay per day.

Did you know the biggest animals in the present time is the elephant.

Did you know eagles do not die and kill herself, but due to illness.

Did you know the smallest bird in the world is the bird fly.

Did you know that the horse can sleep until he was standing on Argelh.

Did you know index within the egg yolk, one is nine.

Did you know the smell of jade Elephant man, about half a kilo meters.

Did you know more animals in the eagle eye and antelopes, ostriches.

Did you know the weight of the ostrich equivalent weight of 48 thousand small Hummingbirds

Did you know the inventor of radio Marconi

Did you know the inventor Wright brothers plane.

Did you know the inventor of dynamite Alfred Nobel

Did you know is an innovative radar Datsun W

Did you know the world is an innovative printing Gothenburg.

Did you know sewing needle start manufacturing in 1545.

Did you know the inventor of the sewing machine is the French Nimonet.

Did you know cement has not been used before the twentieth century.

Did you know the theory of relativity is Albert Einstein.

Did you know in 1860 started using cars.

Did you know Robert Louis French is the inventor of paper-making machine.

Did you know Detroit the largest city in America for the automobile industry.

Did you know the discoverer of the laws of planetary motion is Johannes Kepler.

Did you know the inventor of the radio world is de Forest in 1906.

Did you know the discoverer of the magnet shepherd named Mgnesi.

Did you know Gothenburg is the inventor of printing in 1440 in Germany.

Did you know at containing 150 pieces each.

Did you know television inventor John Baird Scotland in 1925.

Did you know Abu acid chemistry and the discoverer is Alkipritk Jaber bin Hayan.

Did you know the first use of the engine vapor was pumping water from the mines.

Did you know philosopher Sar failed seen in the article when he was a student of philosophy.

Did you know that temperature needed for glass melting is the (2000) Drjo Fahrenheit

Did you know Marconi invented the radio in 1896 after sixty-year-old bridge

Did you know America has produced 100 million cars in 1900 until 1950.
Did you know the first he knew that the speed of light greater than the speed of sound is the Muslim world Peronist.

Did you know Iskandar Gras is important but the Scottish inventor of the telephone in 1876 born in 1848.

Do Almrmut animal learning places juveniles 30 days after the start of pregnancy

Did you know some elephants full weight of skin growth kantars session.

Did you know pigeon feed their young by the secretion of milk come out of Houseltha.

Did you know that the album could run head in the direction angle of 270 degrees.

Did you know smaller predatory birds is the north-west of Port Saqr Lino and weighs 35 grams.

Did you know Cairo Zoo was established in 1890 and an area of 8 acres.

Did you know the elephant in the soil makes mud hole diameter of 30 cm deep.

Did you know types of large Siberian tiger is a tiger-ice and the color gray.

Did you know smaller predatory birds is the north-west of Port Saqr Lino and weighs 35 grams.

Did you know Bulwark European bird species of birds, herons a voice Kju bull.

Did you know the brightest animals in order, were: chimps, dolphin, otter, and then the elephant Valhassan

Did you know seabirds is the youngest of the Halo Itina Mikozoma up to 5,5 inches long, upon completion of growth.

Did you know in the ninth century BC, was the carrier pigeon is the work of mail in all parts of the world.

Did you know Fahd Heta is the fastest animal world as the medium speed of 45 km / hour.

Did you know dinosaur was the biggest in the world of animals have died and become extinct because of disease rickets.

Did you know the small seabird is Halo Itina Mikozoma to a length of 5,5 inches at the completion of growth.

Did you know giraffe's neck contains a number of paragraphs equal to the number found in cervical rights.

Did you know the cow consume 57 kg of fodder and water to produce the equivalent of 454 grams of butter

Did you know if counted the number of chickens on the ground shows that there Djajtin all inhabitants of the Earth

Did you know one of the students funded by the U.S. government also proved that pigs can drink alcohol addicted! .

Did you know there is in New Zealand law requiring owners of dogs in the family as a picnic at least once every 24 hours.

Did you know musk is extracted from musk Ghazal, but not blood and bite, but think of the stomach and abdomen just above.

Did you know elephants are the largest elephant (Modak) originally from Asia, has died at age 78, 1974 in the garden of Santa Clara, California.

Did you know scientists discovered state of Wyoming and America in 1990 remains fossilized bones of a horse lived a long, and the size of the cat.

_SetupBidi ('source'); Did you know there mouse-like animal called Smorkis) does not deal with his meals only if his feet felt more comfortable front-rubbing one another.

Did you know the biggest ostrich eggs are eggs, which weigh between 3.6 Did you know? Pounds and 3.8 in length between 6 - 8 inches and up from around 4 - 6 inches

Did you know kangaroo hunting is very difficult because he has the extraordinary sense of smell and can smell a human several kilometers

Did you know birds is lighter than any other animal in its size has made it clear that the autopsy result of a thin hollow bones of birds to work to the lightness of his body and thus able to make it fly.

Did you know the monkey arrived in 1705 aboard a small boat to the beach and six Hartbol England .. Wiping out a military court to death by hanging on charges of spying for France

Did you know the smallest bird in the world is found in birds Mlessogahiluna Cuba and the Isle of Pines with a 2.24-inch Cole mentioned, including the length of guilt and crested with a weight of about 1.5 grams.

Did you know the smallest bird in the world is found in birds Mlessogahiluna Cuba and the Isle of Pines with a 2.24-inch Cole mentioned, including the length of guilt and crested with a weight of about 1.5 grams.

• address the people of rice paddies and white with color, this rice is the brother of distorting the full natural rice.

• have cow bones strong and big with it only eat grass? Where it is necessary calcium to these bones, knowing that the herbs that feed the cow is very poor and rich in calcium Balbotacim.

• Doctors can not explain many of the pharmaceutical and physiological phenomena? Phenomena such as the following:

1. Alodrnalin movement to change the blood

2. Arsenic is a poison effective since the time of Hippocrates

3. Aspirin reduces fever and heat

• will not be able to deal with ice cream or Alhamburgr just hours after preparation.

Schent ice cream, if not eaten. Alhamburgr cool and if not eaten, both drawn away to the stench of products within hours.
Did you know the biggest monkeys are not called (Cabo Chen), with age (46) years and (11) months, but the monkeys, another platoon Orange Order parades lived Otan (59) years, and they experienced the longest period of monkey.

Did you know the biggest creature is a bird flying dragon was living in Mexico 70 million years ago and tailings study shows that bone landing wings ranged between 11 and 20 meters, a winged snake.

Did you know the elephant 16 hours a day eating and can consume 136 kilograms of food per day .. An amount equal to devour Hambd 2400, and 160 glass of milk ice cream Almkhvoq Balais.

Did you know birds in the world's largest African ostrich, they are small numbers of South Mountain North Atlantic Niger, Senegal and across the borders of Sudan and Ethiopia along the above (9) feet and weighing up to (345) pounds.

Did you know beautiful feathers Tawos Evrdh around and make it the most beautiful birds grow in the latter part of his back and not in the tail as is thought by saying Alktirorn Tawos Zell, the real fin will not entrust feathers when Evrdh

Did you know Bats fly at night, where the light affects the eyes, weakness in clashes Bats Barriers how many bats have been found to send vibration due to collision with any object Faihs offset without deems that he is like radar

Did you know there in the frozen southern continent bird species called the list of female eggs into the dark winter months, where the snow hanging on the ground and the sky in the pocket of skin in the upper leg and remains in that small pocket and they must strengthen the high Mrashm.

Did you know that Decca also spawned eggs in 1474 in the Swiss town of Bala, and the egg became a people, considered the nature and anti .. and of course it burned egg solve the issue of Deek and Whitth before the court, which issued its ruling .. Abaaadam Deek burned, because it was the work of preposterous story.
Turtle lived 150 years.

Did you know the color of white blood locust field

Did you know dolphin is the most intelligent animals.

Did you know sponge fish, not plants.

Did you know that the greatest enemies of mankind is living.

Did you know, walking along the sea urchin ends of teeth

Did you know some spiders stay 520 days without eating.

Did you know that honey bee .. If you are Satk die immediately.

Did you know the fastest aquatic animals (fish) is the shark.

Did you know? "Homeless" is a type of rodent eat more than two-thirds of weight

Did you know blonde beard grow faster than the black beard

Did you know a female star into the sea every day for almost 200000000 eggs

Did you know that fly around shaking the wing (32) times per second.

Did you know there are some armed Codes fish with which to defend themselves.

Did you know the crocodile is one of the oldest animal life as he lived 250 years.

Did you know hates flies in the colors: blue, yellow, red, white, green.

Did you know frog does not have a neck, he can not rotate his head or inhibit the direction of the Earth

Did you know a female mosquito jump in nearly 150,000,000 leap

Did you know in Madagascar using spider threads wove cloth

Did you know some trees such as chestnut-lived about 2,000 years.

Did you know who discovered Chinese tea in the fourth century AD.

Did you know tomatoes per plant into the ground thirty gallons of water for growth.

Did you know? Diameter smaller plant Zuhri 1.5 - 5.7 mm Leyva and his name and living on wetlands.

Did you know the biggest tree is red wood tree 83 meters high and around 30 m at the base are in America.

Did you know the East African tribes used the fruit trees of coffee in food and first name derived from the name of coffee Cafa Ethiopian province where the plant.

Did you know Almapl trees in the state of Vermont is extracted juice only after it becomes 40 years old and is around the trunk forward and length of at least sixty forward.

Did you know the only animal that can leave the stomach to outside the star of the sea

Did you know the beehive queen and one king, one of millions of bees are the remaining boys

Did you know there is some kind of ants in 8000 and grow faster is in the process of caterpillar only.

Did you know cancer sand Australian breathing through Orgelh Ors when moving to dry.

Did you know dinosaur was the biggest in the world of animals have died and become extinct because of disease rickets.

Did you know snails do not marry only once during his lifetime. And that the waiver last twelve hours

Did you know the insect known as the (mosquito May) but does not live only a few hours after the hatch of Whittha

Did you know the largest creatures on earth is the blue whale is a height more than 108 feet.

Did you know animal manatee breast shed real tears when sad or hurt or in danger.

Did you know poisonous scorpions can survive (30) months without dealing with any kind of food.

Did you know life begins Mahrat male. . And then turn into females. . And restore Zkortha again later

Did you know strange and surprising that Roach, after the inadvertent human beings, hiding quickly to clean itself.

Did you know frog can live without food for a whole year the snake Visamad three years without food.

Did you know that the body of the worm contains the muscle and 2000 when compared to the human body contains Fjsm rights to only 700 muscle

Did you know there in the city of Cleveland is Bo Taxis Ohio law that bans hunting mice without official permission Oorgsp fishing

Did you know if the crocodile tears to the eyes of the charges and the biggest victim of a huge hole jaw, then produce liquid eyes as tears.

Did you know the fish can swallow the biggest fish from it and assist the stomach rubber.

Did you know the fish extender and 8 cm in length and live at a depth of 1000 meters and send Hija silver illuminating.

Did you know armored fish live at a depth of 500 meters and 15 cm in length and have the emission of light over her body.Arabic  » English  Translate .


._SetupBidi('source'); Did you know there mouse-like animal called Smorkis) does not deal with his meals only if his feet felt more comfortable front-rubbing one another.

Did you know the biggest ostrich eggs are eggs, which weigh between 3.6 Did you know? Pounds and 3.8 in length between 6 - 8 inches and up from around 4 - 6 inches

Did you know kangaroo hunting is very difficult because he has the extraordinary sense of smell and can smell a human several kilometers

Did you know birds is lighter than any other animal in its size has made it clear that the autopsy result of a thin hollow bones of birds to work to the lightness of his body and thus able to make it fly.

Did you know the monkey arrived in 1705 aboard a small boat to the beach and six Hartbol England .. Wiping out a military court to death by hanging on charges of spying for France

Did you know the smallest bird in the world is found in birds Mlessogahiluna Cuba and the Isle of Pines with a 2.24-inch Cole mentioned, including the length of guilt and crested with a weight of about 1.5 grams.

Did you know the smallest bird in the world is found in birds Mlessogahiluna Cuba and the Isle of Pines with a 2.24-inch Cole mentioned, including the length of guilt and crested with a weight of about 1.5 grams.

• address the people of rice paddies and white with color, this rice is the brother of distorting the full natural rice.

• have cow bones strong and big with it only eat grass? Where it is necessary calcium to these bones, knowing that the herbs that feed the cow is very poor and rich in calcium Balbotacim.

• Doctors can not explain many of the pharmaceutical and physiological phenomena? Phenomena such as the following:

1. Alodrnalin movement to change the blood

2. Arsenic is a poison effective since the time of Hippocrates

3. Aspirin reduces fever and heat

• will not be able to deal with ice cream or Alhamburgr just hours after preparation.

Schent ice cream, if not eaten. Alhamburgr cool and if not eaten, both drawn away to the stench of products within hours.
Did you know the biggest monkeys are not called (Cabo Chen), with age (46) years and (11) months, but the monkeys, another platoon Orange Order parades lived Otan (59) years, and they experienced the longest period of monkey.

Did you know the biggest creature is a bird flying dragon was living in Mexico 70 million years ago and tailings study shows that bone landing wings ranged between 11 and 20 meters, a winged snake.

Did you know the elephant 16 hours a day eating and can consume 136 kilograms of food per day .. An amount equal to devour Hambd 2400, and 160 glass of milk ice cream Almkhvoq Balais.

Did you know birds in the world's largest African ostrich, they are small numbers of South Mountain North Atlantic Niger, Senegal and across the borders of Sudan and Ethiopia along the above (9) feet and weighing up to (345) pounds.

Did you know beautiful feathers Tawos Evrdh around and make it the most beautiful birds grow in the latter part of his back and not in the tail as is thought by saying Alktirorn Tawos Zell, the real fin will not entrust feathers when Evrdh

Did you know Bats fly at night, where the light affects the eyes, weakness in clashes Bats Barriers how many bats have been found to send vibration due to collision with any object Faihs offset without deems that he is like radar

Did you know there in the frozen southern continent bird species called the list of female eggs into the dark winter months, where the snow hanging on the ground and the sky in the pocket of skin in the upper leg and remains in that small pocket and they must strengthen the high Mrashm.

Did you know that Decca also spawned eggs in 1474 in the Swiss town of Bala, and the egg became a people, considered the nature and anti .. and of course it burned egg solve the issue of Deek and Whitth before the court, which issued its ruling .. Abaaadam Deek burned, because it was the work of preposterous story.
Turtle lived 150 years.

Did you know the color of white blood locust field

Did you know dolphin is the most intelligent animals.

Did you know sponge fish, not plants.

Did you know that the greatest enemies of mankind is living.

Did you know, walking along the sea urchin ends of teeth

Did you know some spiders stay 520 days without eating.

Did you know that honey bee .. If you are Satk die immediately.

Did you know the fastest aquatic animals (fish) is the shark.

Did you know? "Homeless" is a type of rodent eat more than two-thirds of weight

Did you know blonde beard grow faster than the black beard

Did you know a female star into the sea every day for almost 200000000 eggs

Did you know that fly around shaking the wing (32) times per second.

Did you know there are some armed Codes fish with which to defend themselves.

Did you know the crocodile is one of the oldest animal life as he lived 250 years.

Did you know hates flies in the colors: blue, yellow, red, white, green.

Did you know frog does not have a neck, he can not rotate his head or inhibit the direction of the Earth

Did you know a female mosquito jump in nearly 150,000,000 leap

Did you know in Madagascar using spider threads wove cloth

Did you know some trees such as chestnut-lived about 2,000 years.

Did you know who discovered Chinese tea in the fourth century AD.

Did you know tomatoes per plant into the ground thirty gallons of water for growth.

Did you know? Diameter smaller plant Zuhri 1.5 - 5.7 mm Leyva and his name and living on wetlands.

Did you know the biggest tree is red wood tree 83 meters high and around 30 m at the base are in America.

Did you know the East African tribes used the fruit trees of coffee in food and first name derived from the name of coffee Cafa Ethiopian province where the plant.

Did you know Almapl trees in the state of Vermont is extracted juice only after it becomes 40 years old and is around the trunk forward and length of at least sixty forward.

Did you know the only animal that can leave the stomach to outside the star of the sea

Did you know the beehive queen and one king, one of millions of bees are the remaining boys

Did you know there is some kind of ants in 8000 and grow faster is in the process of caterpillar only.

Did you know cancer sand Australian breathing through Orgelh Ors when moving to dry.

Did you know dinosaur was the biggest in the world of animals have died and become extinct because of disease rickets.

Did you know snails do not marry only once during his lifetime. And that the waiver last twelve hours

Did you know the insect known as the (mosquito May) but does not live only a few hours after the hatch of Whittha

Did you know the largest creatures on earth is the blue whale is a height more than 108 feet.

Did you know animal manatee breast shed real tears when sad or hurt or in danger.

Did you know poisonous scorpions can survive (30) months without dealing with any kind of food.

Did you know life begins Mahrat male. . And then turn into females. . And restore Zkortha again later

Did you know strange and surprising that Roach, after the inadvertent human beings, hiding quickly to clean itself.

Did you know frog can live without food for a whole year the snake Visamad three years without food.

Did you know that the body of the worm contains the muscle and 2000 when compared to the human body contains Fjsm rights to only 700 muscle

Did you know there in the city of Cleveland is Bo Taxis Ohio law that bans hunting mice without official permission Oorgsp fishing

Did you know if the crocodile tears to the eyes of the charges and the biggest victim of a huge hole jaw, then produce liquid eyes as tears.

Did you know the fish can swallow the biggest fish from it and assist the stomach rubber.

Did you know the fish extender and 8 cm in length and live at a depth of 1000 meters and send Hija silver illuminating.

Did you know armored fish live at a depth of 500 meters and 15 cm in length and have the emission of light over her body.Arabic  » English  Translate .


Did you know a fisherman fish gland at the nostril is working as bait to lure prey to approach him at the end of his body parts burning.

Did you know an antenna, the mosquito is so sensitive it can detect temperature changes to (0004) of the Bafihrnhit degree.

Did you know the snake has no ears, but the phenomenon heard through the sound waves picked up by the tongue and translated to the ears of Interior.

Did you know lives in the East African kind of termites live Mketh 50 years, the number of eggs placed by a day to 43 people.

Did you know Hercules moth mites largest butterflies in the world, extending Jnahaha 35 centimeters, and lived only 14 days, which does not address any food

Did you know locusts average size ranging from the number of locusts which about one million locusts, and consume about 20 tons of food per day

Did you know that rats living in the fishing Troberian Balbsvic cancers Marine to make a wake in the water as bait to attract.

Did you know Roach, who lives in the tropics has a speed of 36 .3 miles per hour. . That is equivalent to 50 Dgv go long in the second one

Did you know a woman researcher at the Museum of Natural History in New York announced that it has discovered that said Absar to stay awake at night, preceded by Onthah to sleep deep and happy dreams!

Did you know snakes skin change because it reduces the growth of her body than the growth of skin becomes tight skin on the body, and promised to change skin times a year, according to their growth.

Did you know that the number of eggs placed queen bees each day you know 600 eggs in 2000 and this number varies according to different seasons of the year the Queen and the ability to develop eggs and old

Did you know the fastest type of microscopic bacteria at all, 50 weak long jump in one leap, driven by the fan spin at a hundred times per second.

Did you know one type of shrimp eggs can maintain its vitality over a hundred years without water. . Then hatch after the rainfall, grow and develop and turn white, before drying rainwater.

Did you know the insect called (Bouknevsa carpet) had been placed in a closed bottle, and stayed alive without food. It was fed in such a short time the skin was Tbdelh from time to time

Did you know the mosquito to Aelsa rights or any animal that the Ingve
Asarat plants, flowers or female is of concern to many of us sleep because they lived on the uptake of blood to find their food ready.

Did you know that fish have Osinana more than any other animal is the cat fish as their 3980 are either fish, which has less Osinana they hit the fish and the fish have years only.

Did you know the strangest types of reptiles is the snake ring is believed to be taking his tail between his teeth as a service in this way can that rolls on the ground such as the wheel of the bike and some people thought this way, the pace faster than any other animal.

Did you know all the sturgeon "caviar extracts of which" are caught in British waters, the exclusive property of Britain's Queen

Did you know humpback whale, taking his meals after swimming in a circular motion and then breathe a huge pipeline of small bubbles on the prey.

Did you know dinosaur "Stejosoros" which weighs 80 pounds, he has Dmagan, one in the head and the other in the tail

Did you know Alorchillon giant sea turtles since lived 80 million years ago, and the size of three Ping Pong tables.

Did you know the deadly poison, which released the most dangerous types of jellyfish, who lives near the coast of Australia, killing a man during a period of not more than four minutes .. However, this animal Marine Mollusk Tlthmh sea turtle-like beaked mouth, without causing any harm.

Did you know the Indian Cobra is one of the most dangerous snakes live to the human mind if they killed him in the case, however, they do not attack people like and I reflect in the killing of humans or animals, if he should not abuse it like most snakes give a warning before considering in the attack on the enemy.

Did you know fish linear line on each side of the hip and a microscopic examination of these lines, they have found the precise sensitive to a large extent if the fish approached a checkpoint or a rock feel these different water pressure members ran aground on the barrier no matter how little ripple of the water thus avoiding collisions and change course.
Did you know the discoverer of penicillin Alexander Vielmnj

Did you know the dog discovered a vaccine is Louis Pasteur.

Did you know the first child of votes can be distinguished, is the voice of the mother

Did you know the number of neurons in the brain cell almost 13 billion.

Did you know if the man has 20% of the water body is definitely lemon.

Did you know the mind of man can not store more than one million information only.

Did you know the discoverer of the circulatory Alsgryalm Muslim Ibn Nafis.

Did you know extremism eye 25 times each minute and a wink last 5-1 second

Did you know that the Central finger nail growth is the fastest growth, while Zafar Ibahamk is slower.

Did you know the human brain contains a high proportion of water up to four fifths of weight.

Did you know the human brain needs 1,000 liters of blood per day can do the job.

Did you know severe cough push the air from inside the body faster than the speed of sound

Did you know that eating the bark of pomegranate help in the eradication of the worm and to stop diarrhea film

Did you know the human brain needs 1,000 liters of blood per day can do the job.

Did you know the longest time spent in person arrested in the case of the intestine "constipation" It was 102 days.

Did you know the person's body is composed of about a hundred trillion cell (million million trillion equivalent)

Did you know 60 mg of nicotine can kill an adult if given a one-time through intravenous injection

Did you know primitive man was being treated wounds rot that grows on trees before the discovery of penicillin thousands of years.

Did you know skilled surgeon can write his name on one cell of the human body cells by using laser beam.

Did you know Ttantql pain signals within the human body from the place of injury to the pain centers in the brain at speeds of 330 km / hour

Did you know U.S. study by a team of medical experts has shown that people who live in cities grow in intensity Dibble felt noses of hair that grows on the noses of the rural population!

Did you know the worm film which sometimes in the intestine and swallow food from the human body has no mouth and Amadp Arip and it's absorbed by the skin of cattle food is also of the skin breathe

Did you know in 1360 was an American child infection appendectomy during the operation entered a coma and was 6 years old that day and remained unconscious for 37 years died as 43-year-old is still in Gipoptha milestone on life

Did you know the heart beat about 130 children in the minute pulse either boy, aged ten years Vind his heart 90 minutes heartbeats The women Vind heart pulse in 78 minutes while the man's heart beating 70 pulse per minute.

Some microbes can live microorganisms to overcome the size and cause a human disease and sometimes death that his body with a giant compared with the size of microbes and larger than the size of billions of times.

• doctors advised heart patients to take up potassium salt instead of regular table salt no salt, sodium chloride.

• rabbit has Alongura in Peru, who lives in the highlands in the light of the weak sun light and air resistance for all bacterial diseases.

• who live near the coasts of the relatively shorter lives of those living in the mountains and highlands.

• There is no thinning of the bones of the vegetarians, although not taking up the Cheese and dairy.

• There is no one factory in the world can take carbon dioxide from the air and then turn to Ncuyat shortly after the addition of sunlight and water? However, that simply happen in every ear of wheat and without effort. Then receive the opposite in our bodies when we deal with this wheat. Valjsm digested carbohydrates Ivkkha then using oxygen to carbon dioxide, water, which draws stored energy from the sun that has brought it to keep us alive.

• advises the alleviation of carbohydrates for weight reduction, although there is no one person suffers from obesity vegetable? Vegetarians eat a large amount of grain containing Ncuyat not suffer from obesity.

• Plant people tend towards spirituality, philosophy, aesthetics, literature and poetry, while others plant people tend to progress and industrial automation and colonialism.

• No people plant one of the world colonized other military force or economic. And all peoples subjected to colonial inclined to plant more of the peoples they colonized.

• All animals living in nature, a life free of disease without addressing any drugs or medicines or vitamins.

• did not know the people and the people Alhonza Jarai Guarani disease at all, not even a cold and a high proportion of them elderly persons per cent in excess

• increasing cases of osteoporosis in modern times among the people despite the increased consumption of dairy and Cheese.

• carbon dioxide can stick Bkhaddab blood and then cut it can not carbon monoxide after the war-Balkhaddab secede.

• all natural health and produced a full and balanced rights and everything produced with industrial or major damage side and incomplete and unbalanced.
Did you know?

Did you know that divers who breathe oxygen exchange half an hour before diving are capable of keeping breath under water for 13 minutes
Did you know that the iron nails are not applicable in the stabilization of oak wood, because of the chemical in the wood, causing rust nails
Did you know that mangrove tree, a tropical tree, is one of the few species that can grow in salt water
Did you know that the longest period spent in the case of a person arrested for the intestines, "constipation" It was 102 days
Did you know that the American tiger trout catch of fish Fraish Bkivp a Albrtn
Did you know that silk worms are not worms but caterpillars
Did you know that there is a kind of pot, but not ice evaporates, that dry ice
Did you know that obese children of school age eat less than their peers Alnahilin
Did you know that elephants can not jump
Did you know that eating the bark of pomegranate help in the eradication of the worm and to stop diarrhea film
Did you know that the taste of the bed legs are in the background
Did you know that bird feather is the most powerful installation when compared with a weight and measurement
Did you know that the rotary (vane) is in the opposite direction of the wind
Did you know that man on the moon is serious, of the southern hemisphere upside down
Did you know that just heard voices through the waves of sound vibrations to take herself
Did you know that it is possible to mix oil with water easily if something was added to the mix of soap
Did you know that the world's population growing at one million and a half each week
Did you know that surgery will be vaccinated living tissue surgically from other regions of the same body, or of the body like a second twin Rights, which conducted an operation
Did you know that the word "why" in English is not only a question but the name of the type of cow
Did you know that the first of April (April) In our April Fool, called on Britain on deception, and in France on fish, and in Japan on the doll in Spain allegedly Buster Day
Did you know that insects movement of the human being at least thirty different disease
Did you know that the tongue is different, such as fingerprints from person to person
Did you know that there are species of orchid (plant) shoots it contains all the seeds sprout, including small, numbering about 70000000 small seed
Did you know that the pressure of water within each cell in the bulb sufficient for the operation of steam engine
Did you know that animal rights is the only sleep on his back
Did you know that more than half the world's production of silver is a chemical used in the manufacture of photographic films and mirrors
Did you know that plant glutinous plant is intrusive intrude on the trees, feeds, and when completed the development of tree killed by recharging them
Did you know that fish glue used in the manufacture of glue in making Gelable is also used to give alcohol to a net color is extracted from sturgeon
Did you know that tree is the pine trees more plants in the world. The proportion of the total tree species other 19%
Did you know that Niagara Falls is the water is warmer than the bottom in the Supreme
Did you know that we die faster from lack of sleep as the lack of food
Did you know that there is a kind of fish called clamshell fish can swallow the whole person
Did you know that leaves Alqbaiqb so large that if you put ten papers of the trees covering an area of more than four hectares
Did you know that comets (meteorites) were not performers, it is burning objects entering the area of land
Did you know that weight at ease when dissolved Zenberkha
Did you know that the chalk used to write on the blackboards used plaster French
Did you know that the cork tree need a decade to create a single layer Flynn
Did you know that mosquitoes prefer to bite people with white skin and blond hair
Did you know that the type of sheep which provides milk for cheese making the famous French (Roghafoort) does not drink water only rarely and only in a Zmoh Roa on the water in the grass meal
Did you know that veterans who believe that there is a raw small finger up between the so-called Balbnasr in the left hand and heart, and this nerve is responsible for the emotional situation, so it has been and continues to be wedding ring finger in this for that reason
Did you know that ants Group and is active females. Owl does not see that in the darkness
Did you know that the growth of finger nail while the Central is the fastest growth is slower Zafar Ibahamk
Did you know that the only animal that can leave the stomach to outside the star of the sea
Did you know that queen bees leave the cell only for the leadership of groups bees and then go to a wedding
Did you know that one of the satellites, which revolve around Mars shines twice and lose twice a day
Did you know that hot water pipes freeze faster than cold water pipes
Did you know that bird's beak (kiwi) is very sensitive whereby can detect the presence of worms to the soil
Did you know that flies known as the fire flies Alozarkoo flies shine through even prepared frog
Did you know that the fly was named a 4000 appointed a small surface ocean to see in all directions, which is standing firm
Did you know that ships moving in the cold water faster than warm water
Did you know that horses of the bones in her neck Atemtlk
Did you know that girl children slept nervously while male children sleep quietly
Did you know that locust legs can walk, even after moving to separate the legs of the body and head Locust .


Did you know a fisherman fish gland at the nostril is working as bait to lure prey to approach him at the end of his body parts burning.

Did you know an antenna, the mosquito is so sensitive it can detect temperature changes to (0004) of the Bafihrnhit degree.

Did you know the snake has no ears, but the phenomenon heard through the sound waves picked up by the tongue and translated to the ears of Interior.

Did you know lives in the East African kind of termites live Mketh 50 years, the number of eggs placed by a day to 43 people.

Did you know Hercules moth mites largest butterflies in the world, extending Jnahaha 35 centimeters, and lived only 14 days, which does not address any food

Did you know locusts average size ranging from the number of locusts which about one million locusts, and consume about 20 tons of food per day

Did you know that rats living in the fishing Troberian Balbsvic cancers Marine to make a wake in the water as bait to attract.

Did you know Roach, who lives in the tropics has a speed of 36 .3 miles per hour. . That is equivalent to 50 Dgv go long in the second one

Did you know a woman researcher at the Museum of Natural History in New York announced that it has discovered that said Absar to stay awake at night, preceded by Onthah to sleep deep and happy dreams!

Did you know snakes skin change because it reduces the growth of her body than the growth of skin becomes tight skin on the body, and promised to change skin times a year, according to their growth.

Did you know that the number of eggs placed queen bees each day you know 600 eggs in 2000 and this number varies according to different seasons of the year the Queen and the ability to develop eggs and old

Did you know the fastest type of microscopic bacteria at all, 50 weak long jump in one leap, driven by the fan spin at a hundred times per second.

Did you know one type of shrimp eggs can maintain its vitality over a hundred years without water. . Then hatch after the rainfall, grow and develop and turn white, before drying rainwater.

Did you know the insect called (Bouknevsa carpet) had been placed in a closed bottle, and stayed alive without food. It was fed in such a short time the skin was Tbdelh from time to time

Did you know the mosquito to Aelsa rights or any animal that the Ingve
Asarat plants, flowers or female is of concern to many of us sleep because they lived on the uptake of blood to find their food ready.

Did you know that fish have Osinana more than any other animal is the cat fish as their 3980 are either fish, which has less Osinana they hit the fish and the fish have years only.

Did you know the strangest types of reptiles is the snake ring is believed to be taking his tail between his teeth as a service in this way can that rolls on the ground such as the wheel of the bike and some people thought this way, the pace faster than any other animal.

Did you know all the sturgeon "caviar extracts of which" are caught in British waters, the exclusive property of Britain's Queen

Did you know humpback whale, taking his meals after swimming in a circular motion and then breathe a huge pipeline of small bubbles on the prey.

Did you know dinosaur "Stejosoros" which weighs 80 pounds, he has Dmagan, one in the head and the other in the tail

Did you know Alorchillon giant sea turtles since lived 80 million years ago, and the size of three Ping Pong tables.

Did you know the deadly poison, which released the most dangerous types of jellyfish, who lives near the coast of Australia, killing a man during a period of not more than four minutes .. However, this animal Marine Mollusk Tlthmh sea turtle-like beaked mouth, without causing any harm.

Did you know the Indian Cobra is one of the most dangerous snakes live to the human mind if they killed him in the case, however, they do not attack people like and I reflect in the killing of humans or animals, if he should not abuse it like most snakes give a warning before considering in the attack on the enemy.

Did you know fish linear line on each side of the hip and a microscopic examination of these lines, they have found the precise sensitive to a large extent if the fish approached a checkpoint or a rock feel these different water pressure members ran aground on the barrier no matter how little ripple of the water thus avoiding collisions and change course.
Did you know the discoverer of penicillin Alexander Vielmnj

Did you know the dog discovered a vaccine is Louis Pasteur.

Did you know the first child of votes can be distinguished, is the voice of the mother

Did you know the number of neurons in the brain cell almost 13 billion.

Did you know if the man has 20% of the water body is definitely lemon.

Did you know the mind of man can not store more than one million information only.

Did you know the discoverer of the circulatory Alsgryalm Muslim Ibn Nafis.

Did you know extremism eye 25 times each minute and a wink last 5-1 second

Did you know that the Central finger nail growth is the fastest growth, while Zafar Ibahamk is slower.

Did you know the human brain contains a high proportion of water up to four fifths of weight.

Did you know the human brain needs 1,000 liters of blood per day can do the job.

Did you know severe cough push the air from inside the body faster than the speed of sound

Did you know that eating the bark of pomegranate help in the eradication of the worm and to stop diarrhea film

Did you know the human brain needs 1,000 liters of blood per day can do the job.

Did you know the longest time spent in person arrested in the case of the intestine "constipation" It was 102 days.

Did you know the person's body is composed of about a hundred trillion cell (million million trillion equivalent)

Did you know 60 mg of nicotine can kill an adult if given a one-time through intravenous injection

Did you know primitive man was being treated wounds rot that grows on trees before the discovery of penicillin thousands of years.

Did you know skilled surgeon can write his name on one cell of the human body cells by using laser beam.

Did you know Ttantql pain signals within the human body from the place of injury to the pain centers in the brain at speeds of 330 km / hour

Did you know U.S. study by a team of medical experts has shown that people who live in cities grow in intensity Dibble felt noses of hair that grows on the noses of the rural population!

Did you know the worm film which sometimes in the intestine and swallow food from the human body has no mouth and Amadp Arip and it's absorbed by the skin of cattle food is also of the skin breathe

Did you know in 1360 was an American child infection appendectomy during the operation entered a coma and was 6 years old that day and remained unconscious for 37 years died as 43-year-old is still in Gipoptha milestone on life

Did you know the heart beat about 130 children in the minute pulse either boy, aged ten years Vind his heart 90 minutes heartbeats The women Vind heart pulse in 78 minutes while the man's heart beating 70 pulse per minute.

Some microbes can live microorganisms to overcome the size and cause a human disease and sometimes death that his body with a giant compared with the size of microbes and larger than the size of billions of times.

• doctors advised heart patients to take up potassium salt instead of regular table salt no salt, sodium chloride.

• rabbit has Alongura in Peru, who lives in the highlands in the light of the weak sun light and air resistance for all bacterial diseases.

• who live near the coasts of the relatively shorter lives of those living in the mountains and highlands.

• There is no thinning of the bones of the vegetarians, although not taking up the Cheese and dairy.

• There is no one factory in the world can take carbon dioxide from the air and then turn to Ncuyat shortly after the addition of sunlight and water? However, that simply happen in every ear of wheat and without effort. Then receive the opposite in our bodies when we deal with this wheat. Valjsm digested carbohydrates Ivkkha then using oxygen to carbon dioxide, water, which draws stored energy from the sun that has brought it to keep us alive.

• advises the alleviation of carbohydrates for weight reduction, although there is no one person suffers from obesity vegetable? Vegetarians eat a large amount of grain containing Ncuyat not suffer from obesity.

• Plant people tend towards spirituality, philosophy, aesthetics, literature and poetry, while others plant people tend to progress and industrial automation and colonialism.

• No people plant one of the world colonized other military force or economic. And all peoples subjected to colonial inclined to plant more of the peoples they colonized.

• All animals living in nature, a life free of disease without addressing any drugs or medicines or vitamins.

• did not know the people and the people Alhonza Jarai Guarani disease at all, not even a cold and a high proportion of them elderly persons per cent in excess

• increasing cases of osteoporosis in modern times among the people despite the increased consumption of dairy and Cheese.

• carbon dioxide can stick Bkhaddab blood and then cut it can not carbon monoxide after the war-Balkhaddab secede.

• all natural health and produced a full and balanced rights and everything produced with industrial or major damage side and incomplete and unbalanced.
Did you know?

Did you know that divers who breathe oxygen exchange half an hour before diving are capable of keeping breath under water for 13 minutes
Did you know that the iron nails are not applicable in the stabilization of oak wood, because of the chemical in the wood, causing rust nails
Did you know that mangrove tree, a tropical tree, is one of the few species that can grow in salt water
Did you know that the longest period spent in the case of a person arrested for the intestines, "constipation" It was 102 days
Did you know that the American tiger trout catch of fish Fraish Bkivp a Albrtn
Did you know that silk worms are not worms but caterpillars
Did you know that there is a kind of pot, but not ice evaporates, that dry ice
Did you know that obese children of school age eat less than their peers Alnahilin
Did you know that elephants can not jump
Did you know that eating the bark of pomegranate help in the eradication of the worm and to stop diarrhea film
Did you know that the taste of the bed legs are in the background
Did you know that bird feather is the most powerful installation when compared with a weight and measurement
Did you know that the rotary (vane) is in the opposite direction of the wind
Did you know that man on the moon is serious, of the southern hemisphere upside down
Did you know that just heard voices through the waves of sound vibrations to take herself
Did you know that it is possible to mix oil with water easily if something was added to the mix of soap
Did you know that the world's population growing at one million and a half each week
Did you know that surgery will be vaccinated living tissue surgically from other regions of the same body, or of the body like a second twin Rights, which conducted an operation
Did you know that the word "why" in English is not only a question but the name of the type of cow
Did you know that the first of April (April) In our April Fool, called on Britain on deception, and in France on fish, and in Japan on the doll in Spain allegedly Buster Day
Did you know that insects movement of the human being at least thirty different disease
Did you know that the tongue is different, such as fingerprints from person to person
Did you know that there are species of orchid (plant) shoots it contains all the seeds sprout, including small, numbering about 70000000 small seed
Did you know that the pressure of water within each cell in the bulb sufficient for the operation of steam engine
Did you know that animal rights is the only sleep on his back
Did you know that more than half the world's production of silver is a chemical used in the manufacture of photographic films and mirrors
Did you know that plant glutinous plant is intrusive intrude on the trees, feeds, and when completed the development of tree killed by recharging them
Did you know that fish glue used in the manufacture of glue in making Gelable is also used to give alcohol to a net color is extracted from sturgeon
Did you know that tree is the pine trees more plants in the world. The proportion of the total tree species other 19%
Did you know that Niagara Falls is the water is warmer than the bottom in the Supreme
Did you know that we die faster from lack of sleep as the lack of food
Did you know that there is a kind of fish called clamshell fish can swallow the whole person
Did you know that leaves Alqbaiqb so large that if you put ten papers of the trees covering an area of more than four hectares
Did you know that comets (meteorites) were not performers, it is burning objects entering the area of land
Did you know that weight at ease when dissolved Zenberkha
Did you know that the chalk used to write on the blackboards used plaster French
Did you know that the cork tree need a decade to create a single layer Flynn
Did you know that mosquitoes prefer to bite people with white skin and blond hair
Did you know that the type of sheep which provides milk for cheese making the famous French (Roghafoort) does not drink water only rarely and only in a Zmoh Roa on the water in the grass meal
Did you know that veterans who believe that there is a raw small finger up between the so-called Balbnasr in the left hand and heart, and this nerve is responsible for the emotional situation, so it has been and continues to be wedding ring finger in this for that reason
Did you know that ants Group and is active females. Owl does not see that in the darkness
Did you know that the growth of finger nail while the Central is the fastest growth is slower Zafar Ibahamk
Did you know that the only animal that can leave the stomach to outside the star of the sea
Did you know that queen bees leave the cell only for the leadership of groups bees and then go to a wedding
Did you know that one of the satellites, which revolve around Mars shines twice and lose twice a day
Did you know that hot water pipes freeze faster than cold water pipes
Did you know that bird's beak (kiwi) is very sensitive whereby can detect the presence of worms to the soil
Did you know that flies known as the fire flies Alozarkoo flies shine through even prepared frog
Did you know that the fly was named a 4000 appointed a small surface ocean to see in all directions, which is standing firm
Did you know that ships moving in the cold water faster than warm water
Did you know that horses of the bones in her neck Atemtlk
Did you know that girl children slept nervously while male children sleep quietly
Did you know that locust legs can walk, even after moving to separate the legs of the body and head Locust