How Solar Energy Is used by the Earth. 21st November 2008 - Solar Energy   Earth receives 174 peta watts of incoming solar radiation (insulation) at the upper atmosphere at any given time.  when it meets the atmosphere, 6 percent of the insulation is reflected and 16 percent is absorbed. Average atmospheric conditions (clouds, dust, pollutants) further  reduce insulation travelling through the stmosphere by 20 percent due to reflection and 3 percent via absorption.   Thesse atmospheric conditions not only reduce the quantity of energy reaching the earth's surface, but also diffuse approximately 20 percent of the  incomming light and filter portions of its spectrum .


21st November 2008 - Solar Energy

Solar energy is energy from the sun.  This energy

drives the climate and weather and supports

virtually all life on Earth.  Heat and light from the

sun, along with solar-based resources such as

wind and wave power, hydroelectricity and biomess,

account for most of the available flow of renewable energy.

Europe is considering plans to spend more than 5 billion

pounds on a series of solar power stations

along the shores of the giant Mediterranean desert of

North Africa and the Middle East.

More than a hundred generators, each with thousands of

 huge mirrors, to convert solar energy into

electricity for transmission by cables under the sea to

 Europe and then distributed all across the continent

are members of the European Union, including Britain.


Billion unit of electrical power (Ampersands) can be generated in this way, enough to provide six times

 the electricity needs of Europe, which contributes greatly

to the significant reductions in carbon emissions.

At the same time, the stations can be used as stopover points

demonstrated in the Sahara, which are in dire

 need for fresh water.

The Prince Hassan bin Talal details of the plan called

DESERTEC (IT Sahara) to the European Parliament.

 He said countries must cooperate and Sahara States with

 a high energy demand and those with technical

expertise in this area.

Was to broach the subject of a Trans-Mediterranean

Renewable Energy Corporation, a company specialized

in renewable energy and the topic is supported by engineers

 and politicians in Europe as well as Morocco,

Algeria, Libya, Jordan and other countries in the Middle

East and Africa.


Europe initially provide financial support for the

development of solar energy

and technology on which they

depend for power generation plants and also to build

prototypes of these stations. After this initial

support for banks and financial institutions and

governments and the construction process that could

cost more than 200 billion pounds over the next thirty years.

'We do not use the best use Sahara' said Gerhard

Physicist Nice, one of the founders of the scheme.

And said 'strike without mercy of the sun over their

heads during the day and heat the ground to

tremendous temperatures. Then the heat emitted from

the ground overnight to the atmosphere. In other

words, and he missed a full of energy. We need to stop

 this waste and exploit the vast amounts of energy

associated with the beam solar irradiance us'.

Scientists estimated that sunlight could provide 10,000

 times the amount of energy needed by the

 human being. But converting solar radiation into a form

that can be used for the benefit of mankind is not easy.

One of the proposed solutions is to exploit the vast tracts

of land to build solar power stations in Europe,

but expensive land in Morocco and Algeria and Libya are

cheap and that they burned the solar Glaring.

The project aims to exploit the land, using cheap technique

known as "the focus of solar energy"

The "concentration of solar energy" consists of a

platform consisting of hundreds of mirrors that cover

large areas of soil per square kilometer, each a mirror

placed carefully so as to control the concentration

of solar beam was focused on rooms full of water (boiler).

 Once the beam focus on solar boilers Tbda

temperatures to rise to 800 degrees Celsius. Vihol to water

 vapor and then roasted to steam turbines

used in the payment of which, in turn, generate electricity by

 generators connected. "This technology was

to prove the efficiency of its work," said Gerhard Nice

and has proved it is working in our test.
Were tested on small stations, but stations will be built

soon be able to generate 100 megawatts and      

 who need the equivalent of a small town. And aims

DESERTEC (IT Sahara) to set up a panel of the   

stations along the northern coast of Africa, part of the

east coast of the Mediterranean. This will   

generate 100 billion watts to be two-thirds of energy

consumption locally and one third are exported to Europe.                                                                                                                                       

Britain produces 12 billion watts, this is the reader

to have more sense this hugemount of energy.        

There desalination system in addition to the system.

That after the steam out of the pipes pass recycling

 turbines submerged sea water basins, which vaporized

and then die to intensify and become unfit for drinking.

"Hsolkm is mainly for electricity and fresh water,

" said Gerhard Nice "and in particular water will be very

 important for southern Mediterranean countries

and North Africa, which is experiencing rapid growth in

population and limited sources of fresh water.

Our will not provide the electricity they sell to Europe, but

also provides Safe drinking water for their populations and their thirsty " 

"There are disadvantages such as the cost of electricity

 generated this way cost from 15 to 20 euro cents

per kilowatt at almost twice the current value and which

is used in coal generation. The cost of the few

countries which will only change to solar energy.

This will not stop People from the use of natural organic

 fuels (coal, gas and oil) but if solar energy is very

cheap, "said engineer John Qbins Energy Royal College

in London, the magazine Nature last week.

Supporters of the draft DESERTEC (IT Sahara)

 say the developments witnessed by the next ten years

will lead to lower price of energy obtained this way

and the price of a kilowatt hour will be less than 10

Ioroessnt, making it a strong competitor to traditional energy sources.

Some critics say if the factories were built in many

countries not stable is possible that lead to cutting

supplies to Europe. In reply to these criticisms Nice said

"Solar energy is not oil so as to maintain stocks

of other times they are lost if the power had not been

exploited immediately after the crash on the mirrors

and consequently no longer obscured on the hypothesis

of consumers and used as a pressure from them to Europe,"