Inventor - discoverer

General information on inventions and inventors

The inventor of the gun is: Samuel formed in 1835

The inventor of the pendulum: Christian Heugns 1657

The inventor of the pen ink is: Louis Terman in 1884

The inventor of the sewing machine is: Barthélémy Timoney in 1829

Is the inventor of the light bulb: Thomas Edison in 1879

The inventor of dynamite is: Alfred Nobel in 1867

Medical inventor of the receiver is: Dr. Rene Rinacc 1818

Hoeing the inventor of the rotary machine is: Howard Eisen, 1912

The inventor of electric shaving machine is: Jacob check in 1931

Medical inventor of the audience is: Roger Bacon in 1268

The inventor of the engine oil is working: Marcus Miszewrid

The inventor of the microphone is: Charles Hoetston

Is the inventor of the Registrar: Vladimir Paulson in 1899

The inventor of the alarm clock is: Antoine Aidieh 1847

The inventor of the camera is the color: Djibril Lehman in 1891

The inventor of the bicycle is: Kirk Patrick McMillan 1839

The inventor of the microphone: Arens and Urmer 1877

The inventor of a computer: Blaise Pascal in 1639

IRON electrical inventor: Sealy in 1882

Parachute inventor: Blanchard in 1785

The inventor of radio telescope: Groot Rieper 1942

The inventor of fire extinguishers: Roland Alexander in 1905

The inventor of the electric telegraph: Charles and Tiston

The inventor of the camera: George Eastman in 1888

Inventor lightning rod: Franklin

The inventor of the pocket hours: Hill in 1500

The inventor of the airship: Zbiln 1900

The inventor of the battery power: Alessandro in 1800

The inventor of the submarine: Holland in 1891

The inventor of the tank: Serernst Soneton 1914

The inventor of a writer: Christopher Schulz, 1868

Telegraph inventor of the ordinary: Samuel Morse in 1836

The inventor of the computer: Howard Oikn 1944

The inventor of wireless: 1896 Marconi

The inventor of the telephone: Graham Bell in 1867

The inventor of the elevator: Elisha Otis in 1871

The inventor of the transistor: Pardin 1948

The inventor of the locomotive steam: Triwejtk 1803

Almotosichael inventor (bicycle): Eugene Werner in 1897

Inventor of machine harvesting: Cyrus Macairmilo 1834

Automated Alnol inventor: Edmund Cartwright in 1785

Astronomical inventor of the telescope is: Galileo Galilee in 1609

The inventor of packet sulfur: John Walker, 1827

The inventor of the cotton spinning machine: ARKWRIGHT

The inventor of the turbine vapor: Parsons 1884

The inventor of the rocket space: Sergei Kurliov

Inventor lightning rod: Franklin, 1752

The inventor of the electromagnet: Stergeon 1825

The inventor of the compass: Almarspiri 1911

The inventor of air conditioning: Carrier 1911

The inventor of a pencil: Conte 1792

The inventor of Venice: Moores

Solar inventor of the camera: Dagir 1839

Fahrenheit scale inventor: 1709 Fahrenheit

The inventor of the method of freezing food: Beardve

The inventor of liquid helium: Heck Owens 1908

The inventor of the bundy clock: Bondi 1885

Inventor injection under the skin: Wood 1835

Rayon inventor: Hardont 1884

The inventor of corn: John Dalton, 1808

Toothbrush inventor: West 1938

The inventor of the electric Geyser: Large 1923

The inventor of the electric mixer: 1901 Hamilton

The inventor of video camera: Mzurikin 1923

The inventor of photocopying machine: Bdler 1903

The inventor of the electric dynamo: 1831 Faraday

The inventor of a diving under the water: Ziba 1818

The inventor of the atomic bomb: Oppenheimer 1945

The inventor of the radar is: Watson Wyatt in 1935

Jeramovon inventor: Edison in 1877

Inventor ball Aquarius: Orkhittas

The inventor of the car: Carl Benz in 1886

The inventor of the wristwatch: Louis Cartier in 1904

Zither inventor: Al-Farabi

Saxophone inventor: Adolf Sachs in 1846

The inventor of a documentary photography: Gul Marais 1888

Mahtra dry pen: Peru in 1938

The inventor of radio: Joe Marconi in 1894 Jalilmo

The inventor of the electric generator: 1831 Faraday

The inventor of a Alokinituskub: Addison

The inventor of the diesel engine: Rudolf Diesel in 1898

The inventor of the printing press: Jnberg 1445

The inventor of industrial lung: Drnker 1929

The inventor of television: Bird in 1926

The inventor of a steam: James Watt, 1765

Alookordion inventor: Damien 1829

The inventor of paper-making machine: Robert Louis 1799

The inventor of mercury: Galileo Galili

The inventor of boat vapor: Robert Fatun

The inventor of wireless telegraph: Claude young

The inventor of the microscope flour: Segmonde

Inventor thermometer divided into 80 degrees: Oayumor

INFLATED inventor of the car tires: Dunlop in 1888

The inventor of the electric motor: Faraday

The inventor of the escalators: Howells

The inventor of carbon paper: Lloyd GORDES 1906

The inventor of nylon: Karodrz 1938

The inventor of the laser: Giwdor Maiman 2960

The inventor of the plane: Wright brothers in 1903

Satellite inventor: Kapitza 1957

The inventor of the ordinary microscope: the Ivenhok 1683

The inventor of the engine of the car: Otto

The inventor of the nuclear reactor: Fermi

The inventor of the helicopter: Sikorski 1909

Inventor of machine gun: Maxim 1883

Jet engine inventor: Whittle 1935

The inventor of the refrigerator: Carré 1858

Washing Machine inventor: Hamilton Smith, 1858

The inventor of the hydrogen bomb: Oppenheimer 1952

The inventor of liquid oxygen: Kaite 1877

The inventor of the Richter scale for earthquakes: the Richter 1935

Anemometer inventor: Robinson, 1846

The inventor of barometer to measure air pressure: Torricelli 1643

The inventor of the broom: Bill 1876

Inventor Alheigromitr to measure humidity: Daniel

The inventor of liquid hydrogen: Dewar 1899

Inventor of machine voltage: Lefevre 1964

The inventor of asphalt roads: Adam, 1815

Karberatir inventor of the car: 1893 Maybach

MV inventor: Fitch 1788

Is the inventor of the balance of the scales: Fall

The inventor of electromagnetic waves: Hertz

Lathe inventor: inspected

The inventor of keeping food in cans: Nicola HABERE 1795

Inventor promises matches: Boyle, 1681

Inventor pendulum: the son of Egyptian Younis

The inventor of a gasoline engine: Ootornes 1867

The inventor of agricultural tillage: Ferdlik

The inventor of the modern anesthesia: Long

Alomwas inventor: Gillette

The inventor of electric fan: Hoiller 1882

Washing Machine inventor: Vavir 1901

The inventor of cycling: Makamilin

The inventor of photography: Dagir 1816

The inventor of the electric oven: Bill and Dosing 1892

Immediate imaging camera inventor: Land in 1948

The inventor of the electric transformer: Stanley 1885

K inventor thermometer is: K

Ohm measuring device inventor: OM 1827

Inventor thermometer Centennial: 1742 Sellsios

The inventor of the contraceptive pill for women: Bnisoz 1954

The inventor of tablets: Miahl 1850

The inventor of the lens is: Van Ivenhok

The inventor of the sewing machine mechanism: Singer 1848